Welcome to GG, where the legacy and future of gaming converge. I'm Joe, the founder and the driving force behind the brand. My story, like many other millennial gamers in the 90s, began with a controller in my hand and a heart full of passion. 

From adrenaline-fueled arenas, to boardrooms, to the family room couch, I’ve spent the better part of three decades fully entrenched in all things gaming and technology – both personally and professionally. 

Now as a father of four in a world that’s truly become digital-first, I’ve come to realize that the very hobbies and interests that have been core to my identity are becoming mainstays that are part of every kid’s social and educational development.

As exciting as it is to me personally, I recognize that it’s equally as confusing (or terrifying) for so many others who may not have the knowledge, skills, or background to help guide their children effectively through it all.

That’s why I started GG – to build a resource for parents and kids alike, so they can follow their passions as gamers and navigate the ever-growing complex world of technology surrounding it in healthy, productive, and practical ways.

So whether you’re a n00b needing guidance or an aspiring pro gamer yourself, GG is here to help you reach a new level of fun, connection, and competency.

Let's get this party started.